Formed in 2009, the purpose of The Legacy Group Committee of the Texas Exes Dallas Chapter is to promote opportunities for UT alumni who attended “The 40 Acres“ twenty or more years ago (but by no means limited to that) to socialize and reconnect with their fellow alumni from that shared UT experience and to encourage their involvement with the Dallas Texas Exes Chapter. The goal is to foster an atmosphere that encourages networking among these alumni for their professional development, career advancement and personal growth, while accessing the wisdom of their considerable professional and personal experience to benefit all members of the Dallas Texas Exes. These objectives will be pursued in conjunction with a broader support of the Mission Statement of the Dallas Texas Exes through the contributions of time, talents and treasures of these alumni.

The Legacy Group, in specific , is very active via monthly “ First Thursday “ Happy Hours, supports chapter scheduled game watching and chapter activities in addition to targeted social and serious minded content functions and activities year round. These well attended planned functions have filled a void and need by older aged based alumni to have some place to get plugged in or get re-engaged in the Texas Exes.

It is thru the Legacy Group distribution list that notifications on activities the Legacy Group ( and various chapter functions ) that Legacy alumni are contacted.  

If interested in being added to the Legacy Group distribution list or any questions…..please contact David Rodriguez /Chairman – The Legacy Group at