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Rocky Mountain Chapter Game Watch: LA-Monroe at Texas

Rocky Mountain Chapter, September 21

Serving Texas Exes Members, UT Alumni, and Longhorns Fans Living in Colorado and Wyoming

Welcome to the Texas Exes Rocky Mountain Chapter website. Our mission is to praise, promote, and protect the University of Texas and its students, and to unite, inform, and involve alumni and friends in fellowship and support of education.

The Texas Exes Rocky Mountain Chapter’s favorite activity is providing scholarships to Colorado and Wyoming high school graduates who attend UT Austin...but that’s not all we do! We also serve as the major link between the University and its alumni and friends in the area. We connect Texas Exes members to each other and to the past, present, and future of the University of Texas at Austin.

We are a membership-supported organization. Your membership is automatic if you are a member of the Texas Exes, our parent organization. To join or renew your membership simply click “Join Today." Non-Members and friends of UT are always welcome at our events, but we hope that everyone will consider joining. It wouldn’t be Texas without the Exes!

Upcoming Events

The Texas Exes Rocky Mountain Chapter tries to host a number of events that appeal to a variety of interests and ages. If you don’t see what you want to do in our Calendar, feel free to volunteer to make more happen! And if you are interested in helping us to do anything already on the calendar, please join in the fun. We are a completely volunteer-run group.

Stay in Contact

Join the Texas Exes Rocky Mountain Facebook and stay up to date on all our events and activities. Make sure to update your email address with the Texas Exes by logging in.

Also feel free to contact the Texas Exes Rocky Mountain Chapter President, April Osborne, at